Meaghan McCollum
Naturopathic Doctor
Meditation Teacher
Dance Medicine
Born and raised on the gulf islands, I bring my love for nature and my passion for living well to my naturopathic practice. As with any healer, my personal health journey has very much commanded my path and my practice.
Dealing with health concerns as a child is what originally led me on my educational & professional path - studying nutrition and then naturopathic medicine. Years later, practicing as a naturopathic doctor, significant ongoing life challenges led me to dig much deeper than the physical. To really dive into who I am and why I am here. And in that process seeing that when we do this inner work - our health goals (and all our goals) become an easier target.
That path has been extraordinarily profound and has morphed my practice to include this deep inner work with those who are ready to go there. That is the work I love to do, collaborating with people on their journey to health but more importantly on their journey to full spectrum wellness.
What do I mean by full spectrum wellness?
Taking everything - body, mind, spirit - into account when we work on health. I’ve learned these cannot be teased apart. If the mind is unwell working on the body might be unsuccessful. If the spirit is not nurtured the body & mind will suffer… All these components affect our nervous system functioning which affects our level of health. When we work toward a full spectrum of wellness, we balance the nervous system and work into a full expression of our true selves. Our world needs more of us to step into our amazing selves.
What does this look like in practice?
The details often include: reviewing and analyzing lab work, working with earth’s medicines (botanicals), meditation, somatic work, coaching, and so much more. Essentially, I love collaboration - It is my belief that you just need a little encouragement, education, love and support and healing happens. Because of that, I aspire to provide that loving, supportive environment and collaborate with you so that you can power your own evolution.
Who do I work with?
Humans who are interested in balancing their hormones, managing stress better, getting healthier and more vibrant, aging gracefully, feeling amazing and connecting with their true self. I especially love the work where we can dive a little deeper and transcend ordinary levels of health. If you are ready to step into who you are meant to be in this life and reveal your amazing self to the world - then let’s work together!
For more information, contact Meaghan or book your appointment online.